fonte:, acésso em 13/02/2016.
1. O que é a febre por Vírus Zika?
O vírus Zika é um arbovírus (grande família de vírus), transmitido pela picada do mesmo vetor da dengue, o Aedes aegypti. É uma doença viral caracterizada pelo quadro clínico de febre, presença de manchas vermelhas na pele com coceira, olhos vermelhos sem coceira e sem secreção, dores musculares e nas articulações.2. Qual a distribuição dessa doença?
O Zika é considerado endêmico no Leste e Oeste do continente Africano. Evidências sorológicas em humanos sugerem que a partir do ano de 1966 o vírus tenha se disseminado para o continente asiático.Atualmente há registro de circulação esporádica na África (Nigéria, Tanzânia, Egito, África Central, Serra Leoa, Gabão, Senegal, Costa do Marfim, Camarões, Etiópia, Quénia, Somália e Burkina Faso) e Ásia (Malásia, Índia, Paquistão, Filipinas, Tailândia, Vietnã, Camboja, Índia, Indonésia) e Oceania (Micronésia, Polinésia Francesa, Nova Caledônia/França e Ilhas Cook).
Casos importados de Zika vírus foram descritos no Canadá, Alemanha, Itália, Japão, Estados Unidos e Austrália.
O Brasil está entre os países que apresentaram circulação autóctone (natural do lugar em que se encontra) em 2015, juntamente com outros países da América do Sul (Paraguai, Colômbia e Suriname) e Central (Guatemala).
3. Como é transmitida?
A principal via de transmissão é vetorial, por meio da picada de mosquitos Aedes aegypti. Após um período de incubação (período entre a picada do mosquito e o início de sintomas) de cerca de aproximadamente 4 dias, o paciente poderá iniciar os primeiros sinais e sintomas.4. Quais são os principais sinais e sintomas?
Os principais sinais e sintomas incluem manchas vermelhas na pele com coceira, febre, olhos vermelhos (sem coceira e sem secreção), inflamação ou dor nas articulações, dor muscular, dor de cabeça e dor nas costas. Com menor frequência, há relatos também de inchaço, dor de garganta, tosse e vômitos. Segundo a literatura, apenas 18% das pessoas apresentam manifestações clínicas da doença. Geralmente os sinais e sintomas duram de 2 a 7 dias.5. Qual o prognóstico?
Não havia conhecimento científico acumulado no mundo sobre zika vírus. Agora, diante dos recentes achados científicos, a orientação é tratar zika como dengue grave. A comunidade científica ainda estuda como a doença evolui e como leva ao agravamento.6. Há tratamento ou vacina contra o Zika vírus?
O tratamento é sintomático e baseado no uso de acetaminofeno (paracetamol) para febre e dor, conforme orientação médica. Não está indicado o uso de ácido acetilsalicílico e drogas anti-inflamatórias devido ao risco aumentado de complicações hemorrágicas, como ocorre com a dengue. Orienta-se procurar o serviço de saúde para orientação adequada. Não há vacina contra o Zika vírus.7. Quais as medidas de prevenção e controle?
As medidas de prevenção e controle são semelhantes às da dengue e chikungunya. Não existem medidas de controle específicas direcionadas ao homem, uma vez que não se dispõe de nenhuma vacina ou drogas antivirais. Dessa forma, o controle está centrado na eliminação de criadouros do mosquito transmissor.Roupas que minimizem a exposição da pele durante o dia, quando os mosquitos são mais ativos, proporciona alguma proteção às picadas dos mosquitos e podem ser adotadas principalmente durante surtos. Repelentes podem ser aplicados na pele exposta ou nas roupas.
8. Qual a recomendação aos profissionais de saúde sobre o diagnóstico e tratamento da doença?
Após a identificação do Zika Vírus no país, há regiões com ocorrência simultânea de casos de dengue e chikungunya, que, por apresentarem quadro clínico semelhante, não permitem afirmar que os casos de síndrome exantemática (manchas vermelhas na pele) identificados sejam relacionados exclusivamente ao Zika Vírus.Assim, independentemente da confirmação das amostras para ZIKAV, é importante que os profissionais de saúde se mantenham atentos frente aos casos suspeitos de dengue nas unidades de saúde e adotem as recomendações para manejo clínico do paciente. Como há elevado potencial de complicações, os profissionais de saúde devem tomar as medidas clínicas específicas, incluindo a classificação de risco, hidratação e monitoramento.
1. O que é a microcefalia?
A microcefalia não é um agravo novo. Trata-se de uma malformação congênita, em que o cérebro não se desenvolve de maneira adequada. Neste caso, os bebês nascem com perímetro cefálico (PC) menor que o normal, que habitualmente é igual ou superior a 32 cm.2. Quais as causas desta condição?
Essa malformação congênita pode ser efeito de uma série de fatores de diferentes origens, como substâncias químicas e agentes biológicos (infecciosos), como bactérias, vírus e radiação.3. O que é o vírus Zika?
O vírus Zika é um arbovírus (grande família de vírus), transmitido pela picada do mesmo vetor da dengue, o Aedes aegypti.4. Já há confirmação que o aumento de casos de microcefalia no Brasil é causado pelo vírus Zika?
O Ministério da Saúde confirmou no sábado (28/11) a relação entre o vírus Zika e o surto de microcefalia na região Nordeste. O Instituto Evandro Chagas, órgão do ministério em Belém (PA), encaminhou o resultado de exames realizados em um bebê, nascida no Ceará, com microcefalia e outras malformações congênitas. Em amostras de sangue e tecidos, foi identificada a presença do vírus Zika.A partir desse achado do bebê que veio à óbito, o Ministério da Saúde considera confirmada a relação entre o vírus e a ocorrência de microcefalia. Essa é uma situação inédita na pesquisa científica mundial.
As investigações sobre o tema devem continuar para esclarecer questões como a transmissão desse agente, a sua atuação no organismo humano, a infecção do feto e período de maior vulnerabilidade para a gestante. Em análise inicial, o risco está associado aos primeiros três meses de gravidez.
O achado reforça o chamado para uma mobilização nacional para conter o mosquito transmissor, o Aedes aegypti, responsável pela disseminação doença.
5.A microcefalia pode levar a óbito ou deixar sequelas?
Cerca de 90% das microcefalias estão associadas com retardo mental, exceto nas de origem familiar, que podem ter o desenvolvimento cognitivo normal. O tipo e o nível de gravidade da sequela vão variar caso a caso. Tratamentos realizados desde os primeiros anos melhoram o desenvolvimento e a qualidade de vida.6. Como é feito o diagnóstico?
Após o nascimento do recém-nascido, o primeiro exame físico é rotina nos berçários e deve ser feito em até 24 horas do nascimento. Este período é um dos principais momentos para se realizar busca ativa de possíveis anomalias congênitas. Por isso, é importante que os profissionais de saúde fiquem sensíveis para notificar os casos de microcefalia no registro da doença no Sistema de Informação sobre Nascidos Vivos (Sinasc).7. É possível detectar a microcefalia no pré-natal? Apenas a ultrassonografia é suficiente?
Sim. As gestantes deverão manter toda a rotina do pré-natal (exames, avaliação clínica e orientações de rotina) além de verificar a medida do perímetro cefálico do feto no exame ultrassom;Toda gestante com diagnóstico ultrassonográfico de microcefalia fetal intraútero deverá ser estratificada como gestação de alto risco e ser encaminhada para acompanhamento no serviço de referência da Rede Mãe Paranaense de Gestação de Alto Risco da sua região.
8. Qual o tratamento para a microcefalia?
Não há tratamento específico para a microcefalia. Existem ações de suporte que podem auxiliar no desenvolvimento do bebê e da criança, e este acompanhamento tem protocolo definido na Rede Mãe Paranaense. Como cada criança desenvolve complicações diferentes - entre elas respiratórias, neurológicas e motoras – o acompanhamento por diferentes especialistas vai depender das funções que ficarem comprometidas.Estão disponíveis serviços de atenção básica, serviços especializados de reabilitação, os serviços de exame e diagnóstico e serviços hospitalares, além de órteses e próteses aos casos em que se aplicar.
9. Quais estados estão apontando crescimento de casos de microcefalia acima da média?
Até o dia 28 de novembro, foram notificados à Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde (SVS) do Ministério da Saúde 1.248 casos suspeitos de microcefalia, identificados em 311 municípios de 14 estados do Brasil. O estado de Pernambuco mantém-se com o maior número de casos (646), sendo o primeiro a identificar aumento de microcefalia em sua região e que conta com o acompanhamento de equipe do Ministério da Saúde desde o dia 22 de outubro. Em seguida, estão os estados de Paraíba (248), Rio Grande do Norte (79), Sergipe (77), Alagoas (59), Bahia (37), Piauí (36), Ceará (25), Maranhão (12), Rio de Janeiro (12), Tocantins (12), Goiás (02), Distrito Federal (1) e Mato Grosso do Sul (1).10. Há registro de ‘surtos’ de microcefalia em outros países?
Até o momento, a comunidade científica não havia registrado casos de microcefalia vinculados ao Zika Vírus em países com circulação da doença. Até novembro de 2015, o Paraná não registrou aumento no número de casos de microcefalia e os casos registrados (4) não têm vinculação com o Zika Vírus.11. Quais exames estão sendo realizados nas crianças e nas gestantes dos estados que já notificaram o Ministério da Saúde?
A partir dos casos identificados em Pernambuco, estão sendo realizadas investigações epidemiológicas de campo, tais como: revisão de prontuários e outros registros de atendimento médico da gestante e do recém-nascido. Também estão sendo feitas entrevistas com as mães por meio de questionário. Os casos seguem para investigação laboratorial e exames de imagem como a tomografia computadorizada de crânio.12. Qual período da gestação é mais suscetível à ação do vírus?
Pelo relatado dos casos até o momento, as gestantes cujos bebês desenvolveram a microcefalia tiveram sintomas do vírus Zika no primeiro trimestre da gravidez. Mas o cuidado para não entrar em contato com o mosquito Aedes aegypti é para todo o período da gestação.13. Neste momento, qual é a recomendação para as gestantes?
- Fazer acompanhamento com consultas de pré-natal, realizando todos os exames recomendados pelo seu médico;
- Não consumir bebida alcoólica ou qualquer tipo de droga;
- Não utilizar medicamentos, principalmente controlados (antidepressivos, anticonvulsivantes e ansiolíticos) sem a orientação médica;
- Evitar contatos com pessoas com febre, rash cutâneo ou infecções;
- Se houver qualquer alteração no estado de saúde da mulher, principalmente até o 4º mês de gestação, comunique o fato ao profissional de saúde para as devidas providências no acompanhamento da gestação;
- Adotar medidas que possam reduzir a presença de mosquitos transmissores de doenças (Aedes aegypti), eliminando os criadouros (retirada de recipientes que tenham água parada e cobertura adequada de locais de armazenamento de água);
- Adotar medidas de proteção contra mosquitos com manutenção de portas e janelas fechadas ou utilizar redes de proteção, usar calça comprida e camisa de manga longa e utilizar repelentes indicados para gestantes (ex. Icaridina exposis, DEET adulto 15% e IR3535).
14. Neste momento, qual é a recomendação para gestores e profissionais de saúde?
É importante que os profissionais de saúde estejam atentos à avaliação cuidadosa do perímetro cerebral e à idade gestacional, assim como à notificação de casos suspeitos de microcefalia no registro de nascimento no Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC). Por ser uma fonte de contato direto com a população, os profissionais também devem reforçar o alerta sobre os cuidados para evitar a proliferação do mosquito da dengue, e orientar as gestantes sobre as medidas individuais de proteção contra o Aedesaegypti.
FONTE:, acésso em 13/02/2015
O Ministério da Saúde também está elaborando um curso a distância para capacitar profissionais de saúde que vão atuar na estimulação precoce. O curso será ofertado a fisioterapeutas, fonoaudiólogos, terapeutas ocupacionais, psicólogos, médicos, entre outros profissionais que atuam nos diversos serviços da Rede SUS.
A meta do ministério é de que pelo menos 7,5 mil profissionais participem desta capacitação. O curso será desenvolvido em parceria com a Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. As matrículas devem começar em março.
Rede de reabilitação
O SUS conta, atualmente, com 1.543 serviços de reabilitação em todo o País que atuam em diferentes modalidades: física, auditiva, visual e intelectual.
Dentro do Plano Nacional de Enfrentamento à Microcefalia, lançado no final de 2015 e que prevê maior agilidade na estruturação dessas unidades, já foram habilitados 12 centros de reabilitação. Outros 11 se encontram em fase de conclusão das obras, com previsão de término no primeiro semestre de 2016, cujo investimento na construção e compra de equipamento soma R$ 43,4 milhões.
Mais R$ 25,2 milhões anuais serão destinados para o custeio dessas unidades. Outros 65 serviços serão implantados em Centros Especializados em Reabilitação, ampliando, assim, a capacidade de atendimento da rede. Esses centros passarão a receber adicional de R$ 109,2 milhões por ano.
A partir do Plano Viver sem Limite, lançado em 2011 pelo Governo Federal, e da instituição da Rede de Cuidados à Pessoa com Deficiência, em 2012, o Ministério da Saúde tem investido na ampliação da oferta de serviços nessa área. Foram habilitados 136 Centros Especializados em Reabilitação (CER) em todo o País. As novas unidades representam impacto de R$ 287,7 milhões por ano para o custeio do atendimento em reabilitação.
No total, o investimento do Ministério da Saúde para custear o atendimento em reabilitação é na ordem de R$ 650,6 milhões por ano, além dos valores destinados a obras e equipamentos. Esses recursos também podem ser complementados pelos governos estaduais e municipais.
Fonte: Ministério da Saúde
Sets up microcephaly in a live birth as the occurrence of congenital small skull. This anomaly is defined by a head circumference (HC) below standard curves for the appropriate age and gender. These parameters are determined using reference tables. It will be considered the Fenton curve for infants less than 37 weeks of gestation (preterm) and the curves of the World Health Organization (WHO 2006) for newborns between 37 and 42 (term)source:, accessed 2/13/2016.
1. What is fever virus Zika?
The Zika virus is an arbovirus (large family of viruses), transmitted by the bite of the same vector of dengue, Aedes aegypti. It is a viral disease characterized by the clinical picture of fever, red spots on the skin itchy, red eyes without itching and without secretion, muscle and joint pain.2. What is the distribution of this disease?
The Zika is considered endemic in East and West Africa. serological evidence in humans suggest that from 1966 the virus has spread to Asia.
There are currently sporadic circulation record in Africa (Nigeria, Tanzania, Egypt, Central Africa, Sierra Leone, Gabon, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Burkina Faso) and Asia (Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Philippines , Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Indonesia) and Oceania (Micronesia, French Polynesia, New Caledonia / France and Cook Islands).imported from Zika virus cases have been reported in Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, United States and Australia.
Brazil is among the countries that have indigenous movement (natural place in which it is) in 2015, along with other countries in South America (Paraguay, Colombia and Suriname) and Central (Guatemala).3. How is it transmitted?
The main pathway is transfer vector by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. After an incubation period (the period between the mosquito bite and onset of symptoms) from about about 4 days, the patient can begin the first signs and symptoms.4. What are the main signs and symptoms?
The main signs and symptoms include red patches on the skin with itching, fever, red eyes (without itching and without secretion), inflammation or joint pain, muscle pain, headache and backache. Less frequently, there are reports also of swelling, sore throat, cough and vomiting. According to the literature, only 18% of people with clinical manifestations of the disease. Generally the signs and symptoms last for 2 to 7 days.5. What is the prognosis?
There was accumulated scientific knowledge in the world about zika virus. Now, in the face of recent scientific findings, the guidance is to treat zika as severe dengue. The scientific community is still studying how the disease evolves and as leads to the aggravation.6. There is treatment or vaccine Zika virus?
Treatment is symptomatic and based on the use of acetaminophen (paracetamol) for fever and pain, as medical advice. It is indicated the use of aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs because of the increased risk of bleeding complications, as with dengue. Guided seek health care for proper guidance. There is no vaccine against the Zika virus.7. What are the measures of prevention and control?
prevention and control measures are similar to those of dengue and chikungunya. No specific control measures directed to man since it does not have any vaccine or antiviral drugs. Thus, the control is centered on the elimination of breeding of mosquito.
Clothes that minimize skin exposure during the day, when mosquitoes are most active, provides some protection to mosquito bites and can be mainly adopted during outbreaks. Repellents can be applied to exposed skin or clothing.8. What is the recommendation for health professionals on the diagnosis and treatment of disease?
After identifying the Zika virus in the country, there are regions with simultaneous occurrence of dengue and chikungunya, which, because they have similar clinical picture does not allow us to say that cases of rash syndrome (red spots on the skin) identified are related exclusively to Zika Virus.
Thus, regardless of the confirmation of samples ZIKAV, it is important that health professionals remain attentive front of suspected dengue cases in health facilities and to adopt the recommendations for clinical management of patients. As there is high potential for complications, health professionals should take the specific clinical measures, including risk rating, hydration and monitoring.
1. What is microcephaly?
The microcephaly is not a new injury. It is a congenital malformation, in which the brain does not develop properly. In this case, babies are born with head circumference (HC) lower than normal and is usually not less than 32 cm.2. What causes this condition?
This can be congenital malformation effect of a number of factors from different sources, such as chemicals and biological agents (infectious) such as bacteria, viruses, and radiation.3. What is the Zika virus?
The Zika virus is an arbovirus (large family of viruses), transmitted by the bite of the same vector of dengue, Aedes aegypti.4. It is no confirmation that the increase in cases of microcephaly in Brazil is caused by Zika virus?
The Health Ministry confirmed on Saturday (28/11) the relationship between the Zika virus and microcephaly outbreak in the Northeast. The Evandro Chagas Institute, Ministry of the organ in Bethlehem (PA), forwarded the results of tests carried out on a baby born in Ceará, with microcephaly and other congenital malformations. In blood and tissues it was identified the presence of Zika virus.
From this finding baby who came to death, the Ministry of Health considers confirmed the relationship between the virus and the occurrence of microcephaly. This is an unprecedented situation in world scientific research.
The research on the subject should continue to clarify issues such as the transmission of this agent, its performance in humans, infection of the fetus and the period of greatest vulnerability for pregnant women. On initial analysis, the risk is associated with the first three months of pregnancy.
The finding reinforces the call for a national mobilization to contain the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, which is responsible for spreading disease.5.The microcephaly can lead to death or sequelae?
About 90% of microcefalias are associated with mental retardation, except for the family home, which may have normal cognitive development. The type and severity level of the sequel will vary from case to case. treatments performed since the early years improve the development and quality of life.6. How is the diagnosis?
After the birth of the newborn, the first physical exam is routine in nurseries and must be done within 24 hours of birth. This period is one of the key moments to make an active search for possible congenital anomalies. So it is important that health professionals are sensitive to notify cases of microcephaly in the record of the disease in Live Births Information System (Sinasc).7. You can detect microcephaly prenatally? Only ultrasound is sufficient?
Yes. Pregnant women should keep all routine prenatal care (exams, clinical evaluation and routine guidelines) and to verify the extent of the head circumference of the fetus on ultrasound examination;All pregnant women with ultrasound diagnosis of intrauterine fetal microcephaly should be stratified as high risk pregnancy and be directed to follow the referral service of the Network Paranaense Mother of High Risk Pregnancy in your area.8. What is the treatment for microcephaly?
There is no specific treatment for microcephaly. There are support actions that can assist in the development of the baby and the child, and this monitoring has defined protocol in Network Mother Paranaense. As each child develops different complications - including respiratory, neurological and motor - monitoring by different specialists will depend on the functions being compromised.
They are available basic health services, specialized rehabilitation services, examination services and diagnostic and hospital services, as well as orthotics and prosthetics to cases in which they apply.9. What states are pointing growth of cases of microcephaly above average?
Until November 28, they were reported to the Secretariat of Health Surveillance (SVS) of the Ministry of Health 1,248 suspected cases of microcephaly, identified in 311 municipalities in 14 states of Brazil. The Pernambuco state keeps up with the highest number of cases (646), being the first to identify increase of microcephaly in your area and which has the monitoring of the Ministry of Health team since October 22. Next are the states of Paraíba (248), Rio Grande do Norte (79), Sergipe (77), Alagoas (59), Bahia (37), Piauí (36), Ceará (25), Maranhão (12) Rio de Janeiro (12), Tocantins (12), Goiás (02), Federal District (1) and Mato Grosso do Sul (1).10. There are reports of 'outbreaks' of microcephaly in other countries?
To date, the scientific community had not registered cases of microcephaly linked to Zika virus in countries with circulation of the disease. Until November 2015, the Paraná not recorded an increase in the number of cases of microcephaly and the reported cases (4) have no connection with the Zika virus.11. What tests are being performed on children and pregnant women from the states that have already notified the Ministry of Health?
Based on the cases identified in Pernambuco, they are being carried out epidemiological investigations of field, such as: a review of medical records and other health care records of the mother and the newborn. They are also being made interviews with mothers using a questionnaire. The cases are for laboratory investigation and imaging studies such as computed tomography.12. What period of gestation is more susceptible to the action of the virus?
The reported cases to date, the pregnant women whose babies developed microcephaly had symptoms of Zika virus in the first trimester of pregnancy. But be careful not to come into contact with the mosquito Aedes aegypti is for the whole period of pregnancy.13. At this point, what is the recommendation for pregnant women?
Follow up with prenatal consultations, performing all the tests recommended by your doctor;Do not consume alcohol or drugs of any kind;Do not use drugs, particularly controlled (antidepressants, anticonvulsants and anxiolytics) without medical advice;Avoid contact with people with fever, skin rash or infection;If there is any change in the health status of women, especially to the 4th month of pregnancy, report it to the health care provider for appropriate action to monitor the pregnancy;Adopt measures to reduce the presence of disease-carrying mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti), eliminating the breeding grounds (removal of containers that have standing water and adequate coverage of water storage facilities);Take mosquito protection measures with keeping doors and windows closed or use safety nets, wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts and use repellents intended for pregnant women (eg. Icaridine exposis, adult 15% DEET and IR3535).14. At this point, what is the recommendation for managers and health professionals?
It is important that health professionals are aware of the careful evaluation of the brain perimeter and gestational age, as well as the notification of suspected cases of microcephaly in the birth registry in Live Births Information System (SINASC). Because it is a direct source of contact with the population, professionals must also strengthen the warning about the precautions to prevent the spread of the dengue mosquito, and guide pregnant women about the individual measures of protection against Aedes aegypti. SOURCE:, accessed 2/13/2015capacityThe Ministry of Health is also developing a distance learning course to train health professionals who will work in early stimulation. The course will be offered to physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, doctors, and other professionals working in the various services of the SUS Network.The goal of the ministry is that at least 7,500 professionals participate in this training. The course will be developed in partnership with the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Enrollment should begin in March.Rehabilitation NetworkThe NHS currently has 1,543 rehabilitation services across the country that work in different ways: physical, hearing, visual and intellectual.Within the National Plan to Combat microcephaly, launched in late 2015 and which provides greater flexibility in the structuring of these units have been activated 12 rehabilitation centers. Another 11 are in phase of completion, with completion expected in the first half of 2016, with investment in the construction and purchase of equipment totaled R $ 43.4 million.annual additional $ 25.2 million will be allocated to fund these units. 65 other services will be deployed in Specialized Centers for Rehabilitation, thus, widening the network service capacity. These centers will receive additional R $ 109.2 million per year.From the Plan Living without limit, released in 2011 by the Federal Government, and the establishment of the Care Network for People with Disabilities in 2012, the Ministry of Health has invested in expanding the supply of services in this area. 136 Specialized Centers have been enabled in Rehabilitation (CER) across the country. The new units represent an impact of R $ 287.7 million a year toward the cost of care in rehabilitation.In total, the Ministry of Health's investment to fund the rehabilitation care is in the order of R $ 650.6 million per year, in addition to the amounts allocated to buildings and equipment. These features can also be supplemented by state and local governments.Source: Ministry of HealthPRIMER FOR STIMULUS EARLY / MICROCEPHALY
1. What is fever virus Zika?
The Zika virus is an arbovirus (large family of viruses), transmitted by the bite of the same vector of dengue, Aedes aegypti. It is a viral disease characterized by the clinical picture of fever, red spots on the skin itchy, red eyes without itching and without secretion, muscle and joint pain.2. What is the distribution of this disease?
The Zika is considered endemic in East and West Africa. serological evidence in humans suggest that from 1966 the virus has spread to Asia.
There are currently sporadic circulation record in Africa (Nigeria, Tanzania, Egypt, Central Africa, Sierra Leone, Gabon, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Burkina Faso) and Asia (Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Philippines , Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Indonesia) and Oceania (Micronesia, French Polynesia, New Caledonia / France and Cook Islands).imported from Zika virus cases have been reported in Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, United States and Australia.
Brazil is among the countries that have indigenous movement (natural place in which it is) in 2015, along with other countries in South America (Paraguay, Colombia and Suriname) and Central (Guatemala).3. How is it transmitted?
The main pathway is transfer vector by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. After an incubation period (the period between the mosquito bite and onset of symptoms) from about about 4 days, the patient can begin the first signs and symptoms.4. What are the main signs and symptoms?
The main signs and symptoms include red patches on the skin with itching, fever, red eyes (without itching and without secretion), inflammation or joint pain, muscle pain, headache and backache. Less frequently, there are reports also of swelling, sore throat, cough and vomiting. According to the literature, only 18% of people with clinical manifestations of the disease. Generally the signs and symptoms last for 2 to 7 days.5. What is the prognosis?
There was accumulated scientific knowledge in the world about zika virus. Now, in the face of recent scientific findings, the guidance is to treat zika as severe dengue. The scientific community is still studying how the disease evolves and as leads to the aggravation.6. There is treatment or vaccine Zika virus?
Treatment is symptomatic and based on the use of acetaminophen (paracetamol) for fever and pain, as medical advice. It is indicated the use of aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs because of the increased risk of bleeding complications, as with dengue. Guided seek health care for proper guidance. There is no vaccine against the Zika virus.7. What are the measures of prevention and control?
prevention and control measures are similar to those of dengue and chikungunya. No specific control measures directed to man since it does not have any vaccine or antiviral drugs. Thus, the control is centered on the elimination of breeding of mosquito.
Clothes that minimize skin exposure during the day, when mosquitoes are most active, provides some protection to mosquito bites and can be mainly adopted during outbreaks. Repellents can be applied to exposed skin or clothing.8. What is the recommendation for health professionals on the diagnosis and treatment of disease?
After identifying the Zika virus in the country, there are regions with simultaneous occurrence of dengue and chikungunya, which, because they have similar clinical picture does not allow us to say that cases of rash syndrome (red spots on the skin) identified are related exclusively to Zika Virus.
Thus, regardless of the confirmation of samples ZIKAV, it is important that health professionals remain attentive front of suspected dengue cases in health facilities and to adopt the recommendations for clinical management of patients. As there is high potential for complications, health professionals should take the specific clinical measures, including risk rating, hydration and monitoring.
1. What is microcephaly?
The microcephaly is not a new injury. It is a congenital malformation, in which the brain does not develop properly. In this case, babies are born with head circumference (HC) lower than normal and is usually not less than 32 cm.2. What causes this condition?
This can be congenital malformation effect of a number of factors from different sources, such as chemicals and biological agents (infectious) such as bacteria, viruses, and radiation.3. What is the Zika virus?
The Zika virus is an arbovirus (large family of viruses), transmitted by the bite of the same vector of dengue, Aedes aegypti.4. It is no confirmation that the increase in cases of microcephaly in Brazil is caused by Zika virus?
The Health Ministry confirmed on Saturday (28/11) the relationship between the Zika virus and microcephaly outbreak in the Northeast. The Evandro Chagas Institute, Ministry of the organ in Bethlehem (PA), forwarded the results of tests carried out on a baby born in Ceará, with microcephaly and other congenital malformations. In blood and tissues it was identified the presence of Zika virus.
From this finding baby who came to death, the Ministry of Health considers confirmed the relationship between the virus and the occurrence of microcephaly. This is an unprecedented situation in world scientific research.
The research on the subject should continue to clarify issues such as the transmission of this agent, its performance in humans, infection of the fetus and the period of greatest vulnerability for pregnant women. On initial analysis, the risk is associated with the first three months of pregnancy.
The finding reinforces the call for a national mobilization to contain the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, which is responsible for spreading disease.5.The microcephaly can lead to death or sequelae?
About 90% of microcefalias are associated with mental retardation, except for the family home, which may have normal cognitive development. The type and severity level of the sequel will vary from case to case. treatments performed since the early years improve the development and quality of life.6. How is the diagnosis?
After the birth of the newborn, the first physical exam is routine in nurseries and must be done within 24 hours of birth. This period is one of the key moments to make an active search for possible congenital anomalies. So it is important that health professionals are sensitive to notify cases of microcephaly in the record of the disease in Live Births Information System (Sinasc).7. You can detect microcephaly prenatally? Only ultrasound is sufficient?
Yes. Pregnant women should keep all routine prenatal care (exams, clinical evaluation and routine guidelines) and to verify the extent of the head circumference of the fetus on ultrasound examination;All pregnant women with ultrasound diagnosis of intrauterine fetal microcephaly should be stratified as high risk pregnancy and be directed to follow the referral service of the Network Paranaense Mother of High Risk Pregnancy in your area.8. What is the treatment for microcephaly?
There is no specific treatment for microcephaly. There are support actions that can assist in the development of the baby and the child, and this monitoring has defined protocol in Network Mother Paranaense. As each child develops different complications - including respiratory, neurological and motor - monitoring by different specialists will depend on the functions being compromised.
They are available basic health services, specialized rehabilitation services, examination services and diagnostic and hospital services, as well as orthotics and prosthetics to cases in which they apply.9. What states are pointing growth of cases of microcephaly above average?
Until November 28, they were reported to the Secretariat of Health Surveillance (SVS) of the Ministry of Health 1,248 suspected cases of microcephaly, identified in 311 municipalities in 14 states of Brazil. The Pernambuco state keeps up with the highest number of cases (646), being the first to identify increase of microcephaly in your area and which has the monitoring of the Ministry of Health team since October 22. Next are the states of Paraíba (248), Rio Grande do Norte (79), Sergipe (77), Alagoas (59), Bahia (37), Piauí (36), Ceará (25), Maranhão (12) Rio de Janeiro (12), Tocantins (12), Goiás (02), Federal District (1) and Mato Grosso do Sul (1).10. There are reports of 'outbreaks' of microcephaly in other countries?
To date, the scientific community had not registered cases of microcephaly linked to Zika virus in countries with circulation of the disease. Until November 2015, the Paraná not recorded an increase in the number of cases of microcephaly and the reported cases (4) have no connection with the Zika virus.11. What tests are being performed on children and pregnant women from the states that have already notified the Ministry of Health?
Based on the cases identified in Pernambuco, they are being carried out epidemiological investigations of field, such as: a review of medical records and other health care records of the mother and the newborn. They are also being made interviews with mothers using a questionnaire. The cases are for laboratory investigation and imaging studies such as computed tomography.12. What period of gestation is more susceptible to the action of the virus?
The reported cases to date, the pregnant women whose babies developed microcephaly had symptoms of Zika virus in the first trimester of pregnancy. But be careful not to come into contact with the mosquito Aedes aegypti is for the whole period of pregnancy.13. At this point, what is the recommendation for pregnant women?
Follow up with prenatal consultations, performing all the tests recommended by your doctor;Do not consume alcohol or drugs of any kind;Do not use drugs, particularly controlled (antidepressants, anticonvulsants and anxiolytics) without medical advice;Avoid contact with people with fever, skin rash or infection;If there is any change in the health status of women, especially to the 4th month of pregnancy, report it to the health care provider for appropriate action to monitor the pregnancy;Adopt measures to reduce the presence of disease-carrying mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti), eliminating the breeding grounds (removal of containers that have standing water and adequate coverage of water storage facilities);Take mosquito protection measures with keeping doors and windows closed or use safety nets, wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts and use repellents intended for pregnant women (eg. Icaridine exposis, adult 15% DEET and IR3535).14. At this point, what is the recommendation for managers and health professionals?
It is important that health professionals are aware of the careful evaluation of the brain perimeter and gestational age, as well as the notification of suspected cases of microcephaly in the birth registry in Live Births Information System (SINASC). Because it is a direct source of contact with the population, professionals must also strengthen the warning about the precautions to prevent the spread of the dengue mosquito, and guide pregnant women about the individual measures of protection against Aedes aegypti. SOURCE:, accessed 2/13/2015capacityThe Ministry of Health is also developing a distance learning course to train health professionals who will work in early stimulation. The course will be offered to physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, doctors, and other professionals working in the various services of the SUS Network.The goal of the ministry is that at least 7,500 professionals participate in this training. The course will be developed in partnership with the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Enrollment should begin in March.Rehabilitation NetworkThe NHS currently has 1,543 rehabilitation services across the country that work in different ways: physical, hearing, visual and intellectual.Within the National Plan to Combat microcephaly, launched in late 2015 and which provides greater flexibility in the structuring of these units have been activated 12 rehabilitation centers. Another 11 are in phase of completion, with completion expected in the first half of 2016, with investment in the construction and purchase of equipment totaled R $ 43.4 million.annual additional $ 25.2 million will be allocated to fund these units. 65 other services will be deployed in Specialized Centers for Rehabilitation, thus, widening the network service capacity. These centers will receive additional R $ 109.2 million per year.From the Plan Living without limit, released in 2011 by the Federal Government, and the establishment of the Care Network for People with Disabilities in 2012, the Ministry of Health has invested in expanding the supply of services in this area. 136 Specialized Centers have been enabled in Rehabilitation (CER) across the country. The new units represent an impact of R $ 287.7 million a year toward the cost of care in rehabilitation.In total, the Ministry of Health's investment to fund the rehabilitation care is in the order of R $ 650.6 million per year, in addition to the amounts allocated to buildings and equipment. These features can also be supplemented by state and local governments.Source: Ministry of HealthPRIMER FOR STIMULUS EARLY / MICROCEPHALY

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