Microfisioterapia - A cura dentro de cada um
Técnica Francesa de fisioterapia promete resolver problemas crônicos de saúde com o uso suave das mãos
Depois de uma anamnese rápida, o paciente
se deita em uma maca. Com toques suaves pelo corpo, o profissional
consegue dizer datas importantes da vida da pessoa e problemas de saúde
que estariam relacionados com este evento. Em seguida, massagens feitas
com a ponta dos dedos e de maneira leve ajudam o organismo a apagar as
cicatrizes internas espalhadas pelo corpo, responsáveis pelos sintomas
O tratamento relatado acima não tem nada
de místico, sobrenatural ou espírita. O profissional em questão é um
fisioterapeuta, que trabalha com uma técnica desenvolvida na França há
mais de trinta anos, chamada MICROFISIOTERAPIA. "Tudo que acontece com a
gente em nível tóxico, físico e emocional vai para o corpo, que guarda
essas memórias e cria marcas que atrapalham o funcionamento das células e
podem ser as prováveis causas de sintomas e disfunções. O especialista
nessa área tem as mãos treinadas para descobrir essas memórias e
desativá-las", afirma o fisioterapeuta Afonso Shiguemi Salgado.
Segundo ele, os eventos que trazem
sofrimento em nossas vidas afetam nosso organismo e nossa saúde.
"Sabemos que casos de psoríase, por exemplo, acontecem sempre depois de
duas situações de perda grande para o paciente. O vitiligo também tem um
fundo emocional importante e tende a surgir em locais do corpo que têm
relação com um evento ruim", explica.
Estimulando os pontos certos no corpo, a
microfisioterapia leva o paciente a encontrar a cura dentro do próprio
organismo. "Quando detectamos os pontos de memória dos problemas, usamos
o toque para apagar as informações do cérebro. É como apertar o botão
reset do computador e dar ao corpo a chance de começar outra vez, agora
livre dos eventos ruins e seus efeitos. A microfisioterapia aplicada
após uma agressão ou evento perturbador auxilia o corpo a reagir",
garante o especialista.
Porém, a técnica não funciona para todas
as doenças. De acordo com Salgado, os problemas crônicos são os que
obtêm melhores resultados. "Casos de enxaqueca, cólicas, herpes,
alergias, depressão, síndrome do pânico, artrites, artroses, temos boas
chances de resolver. Mas ainda temos dificuldades em eliminar problemas
nos sistema auditivo e em aliviar dores agudas. A técnica é nova e
existem áreas em que precisamos progredir", comenta.
Ele também afirma que o melhor é usar a
novidade como método preventivo ou para auxiliar em tratamentos
convencionais. "A microfisioterapia não pode ser vista como substituta
de métodos já existentes e convencionais. Ela é mais um mecanismo para
buscar o equilíbrio e o bem-estar. O ideal é ser usada como prevenção de
problemas, com sessões anuais para limpar do corpo as marcas do
período", diz.
A técnica pode ser aplicada em pessoas de
qualquer idade e a única ressalva é para mulheres grávidas e pacientes
com doenças terminais. "Temos esse cuidado como forma de precaução",
afirma Salgado. Reações adversas como mudanças de sono, vômito,
alterações de humor e aumento do problema podem surgir nos primeiros
dias após as sessões em alguns pacientes. "A microfisioterapia trabalha
com o mesmo princípio da homeopatia, usando o semelhante para promover a
cura, por isso, às vezes, as complicações pioram para depois
regredirem", explica.
Para um tratamento completo de algum
problema, o fisioterapeuta aconselha entre três e quatro sessões, feitas
com intervalos de dois meses. Cada sessão custa entre R$ 180 e R$ 230.
Apenas médicos, fisioterapeutas e psicólogos estão capacitados para
trabalhar com a microfisioterapia.
Microfisioterapia - Curing within each
French technique of physical therapy promises to solve chronic health problems with the gentle use of hands
After a quick interview, the patient lies on a stretcher. With soft touches the body, the professional can tell important dates of the person's life and health problems that are related to this event. Then massage done with the fingertips and lightly way help the body to erase the internal scar tissue around the body, responsible for the negative symptoms.
The treatment reported above has nothing mystical, supernatural or spiritualist. The professional in question is a physical therapist who works with a technique developed in France for over thirty years, called MICROFISIOTERAPIA. "Everything that happens with us in toxic, physical and emotional level goes to the body, which keeps those memories and creates brands that hinder the functioning of cells and may be the probable causes of symptoms and dysfunctions. The specialist in this area has hands trained to find those memories and turn them off, "says physiotherapist Afonso Shiguemi Salgado.
According to him, the events that bring suffering in our lives affect our bodies and our health. "We know that cases of psoriasis, for example, always happen after two situations of great loss for the patient. Vitiligo also has an important emotional background and tends to emerge in body sites that relate to a bad event," he explains.
Stimulating certain points on the body, microfisioterapia leads the patient to find healing within the body itself. "When we find the problems of memory points, we use touch to delete the information the brain. It's like pressing the reset button on your computer and give the body a chance to start again, now free of the bad events and their effects. Microfisioterapia applied after a disturbing assault or event helps the body to react, "says the expert.
However, the technique does not work for all diseases. According to Salgado, the chronic problems are the ones that get better results. "Migraine cases, cramps, herpes, allergies, depression, panic disorder, arthritis, arthrosis, we have good chances to solve. But we still have difficulties in eliminating problems in the auditory system and relieve acute pain. The technique is new and there are areas we need progress, "he says.
It also states that it is best to use the news as a preventive method or to assist in conventional treatments. "The microfisioterapia can not be seen as a substitute for existing and conventional methods. It is more a mechanism to seek balance and well-being. The ideal is to be used as prevention of problems, with annual sessions for body cleaning brands Period, "he says.
The technique can be used on people of all ages and the only exception is for pregnant women and patients with terminal illnesses. "We have this care as a precaution," said Salgado. Adverse reactions such as sleep changes, vomiting, mood swings and increased problem may arise in the first days after the sessions in some patients. "The microfisioterapia works on the same principle of homeopathy, using the same to promote healing, so sometimes the worse complications and then regress," he explains.
For a thorough treatment of a problem, the physiotherapist advises three to four sessions, made at intervals of two months. Each session costs between R $ 180 and R $ 230 Only physicians, physical therapists and psychologists are trained to work with microfisioterapia.
French technique of physical therapy promises to solve chronic health problems with the gentle use of hands
After a quick interview, the patient lies on a stretcher. With soft touches the body, the professional can tell important dates of the person's life and health problems that are related to this event. Then massage done with the fingertips and lightly way help the body to erase the internal scar tissue around the body, responsible for the negative symptoms.
The treatment reported above has nothing mystical, supernatural or spiritualist. The professional in question is a physical therapist who works with a technique developed in France for over thirty years, called MICROFISIOTERAPIA. "Everything that happens with us in toxic, physical and emotional level goes to the body, which keeps those memories and creates brands that hinder the functioning of cells and may be the probable causes of symptoms and dysfunctions. The specialist in this area has hands trained to find those memories and turn them off, "says physiotherapist Afonso Shiguemi Salgado.
According to him, the events that bring suffering in our lives affect our bodies and our health. "We know that cases of psoriasis, for example, always happen after two situations of great loss for the patient. Vitiligo also has an important emotional background and tends to emerge in body sites that relate to a bad event," he explains.
Stimulating certain points on the body, microfisioterapia leads the patient to find healing within the body itself. "When we find the problems of memory points, we use touch to delete the information the brain. It's like pressing the reset button on your computer and give the body a chance to start again, now free of the bad events and their effects. Microfisioterapia applied after a disturbing assault or event helps the body to react, "says the expert.
However, the technique does not work for all diseases. According to Salgado, the chronic problems are the ones that get better results. "Migraine cases, cramps, herpes, allergies, depression, panic disorder, arthritis, arthrosis, we have good chances to solve. But we still have difficulties in eliminating problems in the auditory system and relieve acute pain. The technique is new and there are areas we need progress, "he says.
It also states that it is best to use the news as a preventive method or to assist in conventional treatments. "The microfisioterapia can not be seen as a substitute for existing and conventional methods. It is more a mechanism to seek balance and well-being. The ideal is to be used as prevention of problems, with annual sessions for body cleaning brands Period, "he says.
The technique can be used on people of all ages and the only exception is for pregnant women and patients with terminal illnesses. "We have this care as a precaution," said Salgado. Adverse reactions such as sleep changes, vomiting, mood swings and increased problem may arise in the first days after the sessions in some patients. "The microfisioterapia works on the same principle of homeopathy, using the same to promote healing, so sometimes the worse complications and then regress," he explains.
For a thorough treatment of a problem, the physiotherapist advises three to four sessions, made at intervals of two months. Each session costs between R $ 180 and R $ 230 Only physicians, physical therapists and psychologists are trained to work with microfisioterapia.
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