Miguel Nicolelis mostra primeiros passos de exoesqueleto da Copa
O neurocientista brasileiro Miguel Nicolelis divulgou um vídeo em sua página no Facebook no qual mostra pela primeira vez o exoesqueleto do projeto Andar de Novo (Walk Again) dando passos no chão. Anteriormente, Nicolelis tinha mostrado o equipamento ao simular uma caminhada quando estava erguido, a alguns centímetros do solo.“66 dias 06 horas 37 minutos e 09 segundos. Muitos disseram que a missão era impossível. Mas a 66 dias da abertura da Copa, exoesqueleto do Projeto Andar de Novo dá os primeiros seis passos no chão. Acompanhe nesse videoclip o momento histórico”, diz o cientista em seu perfil.
Para o pesquisador brasileiro, o Walk Again é comparável à chegada do homem à Lua
oday at 16h08 - Updated today at 16h16Miguel Nicolelis shows first steps exoskeleton Cupadvertising
The Brazilian neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis released a video on his Facebook page in which shows the first floor of the new exoskeleton ( Walk Again) project stepping down . Previously , Nicolelis had shown the device to simulate a walk when he was raised, a few inches of soil .
" 66 days 06 hours 37 minutes and 09 seconds. Many said that the mission was impossible. But 66 days before the opening of the World Cup exoskeleton Project New Floor gives the first six steps on the floor. Follow this videoclip historical moment, " says the scientist in your profile.Brazilian neuroscientist developed the exoskeleton Floor New Project
The group led by Nicolelis , and involving more than 100 scientists on two continents , aims to develop a robotic exoskeleton that allows a paraplegic to give the kickoff of the World Cup in 2014 in front of 70 thousand people and others almost 3 billion viewers.
For the Brazilian researcher, Walk Again is comparable to the arrival of man on the moon
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